Monday, July 23, 2007

The theory and practice of infant feeding: with notes on development.

"It has often been stated that an artificial food for infants should contain nothing that is not found in mother's milk, and that it should contain just what is found in other's milk. To prove the suitability of various substitutes for mother's milk chemical analyses of both have been published, to show how closesly the substitutes approximate mother's milk. At first sight this seems a rational procedure, but when it is remembered that there is no difference between a diamond and a piece of charcoal chemically, and that mixtres of butter, cheese, sugar, salts, and water, or of beef set, raw beef, sugar, salts, and water can be made which when analyzed by the usual methods will show the same composition as mother's milk, the fallacy of judging the suitability of a food for an infant, or for an adult for that matter, by its chemical analysis only will be aparrent. Physiological chemistry has not advanced sufficiently to make it a safe guide by itself." (pp 6-7)
The theory and practice of infant feeding: with notes on development.
Chapin, Henry Dwight, 1857-1942.
New York :

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